Sunday, October 17, 2010


So I think for my assignment I am going to use the influence of Wassily Kandinsky.  His work is very abstract, but I think it is so interesting, colorful and expressive and I really think I will be able to make a very interesting self-portrait.  Wassily Kandinsky was born in Moscow, Russia in 1866.  Because of his parent’s influence he became a musician, learning how to play the piano and the cello.  In 1886, he studied at The University of Moscow and afterward, became a teacher with the Moscow Factory of Laws.  It was not until he was thirty that he showed a real interest in art and went to study life drawing in Munich.  He showed a real talent in art and soon exploring with new ideas.  He added color and lines to his paintings, which soon developed into abstract art.  His work was inspired by a variety of things from music to controversial issues.  But he continued to create even with all the criticism he received.   Wassily Kandinsky died in 1944 as one of the founders of abstract art. 

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