Saturday, October 2, 2010

First Friday

I just wanted to post a few pics I took from my first experience at First Friday.  Thank you, Clarice for telling us about it because it is amazing.  First of all, I did not realize going in to our adventure, we would be going to Penn's Landing, a place that has recently made its way to one of my favorite locations in the world!  I was in complete bliss from the start and as we carried on walking up and down second street, my love grew.  There were people everywhere and you would expect the stands to get redundant, but all of these people were so unique and interesting.  Now I just cannot wait for next month.  As for the pictures, I think they are a little interesting.  It was night time so some did not come out very clear, but I think the effect was really neat actually.  I love the pictures I got last night.  Especially when I would walk up to people and ask for a photo.  Have I mentioned the people there were awesome?

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