Sunday, October 31, 2010

Self Portrait: Kandinsky-style

I really enjoyed this project.  It was very time consuming, don't get me wrong, but working with photo shop and all the different brush strokes was a lot of fun to me.  I had a lot of trouble with my face and hair though.  I still think it looks a little weird; and i had to pretend my hair was down because drawing the different wisps of hair that was falling out was getting really difficult.  Then my next struggle was whether or not to include the black lines in my face.  I tried it out, but didn't like it so much.  I figured Kandinsky's self portrait didn't have any black streaks or circles so i figured it'd be okay.  I think I wold of added more bold shapes in the background if it were not a self portrait.  I obviously wanted the image of myself to be the main focus, after all it is a self portrait.  I figured too much would get distracting.  So here it is! I still think my face looks a little weird, but overall, I think it's actually pretty fun.

1 comment:

  1. Lindsay i think this is a very successful piece and shows all your hard work. Great job!
