Thursday, September 9, 2010

My reaction to REmiX MaNifestO

First, in response to this video, and please excuse my language, but Girl Talk kicks ass! I want to know where he plays.  I mean I would really enjoy one of his concerts. Second, this video makes me feel a little rebellious.  Third, I never realized how secretive our society is.  Maybe secretive is the wrong word.  How about greedy? I feel like the people who claim to own these songs and ideas are just super lazy and are trying to find ways to make a quick buck.  Either that or they truly think EVERYTHING is plagiarized.  Really though, how are we supposed to make advancements when every building block is already an original idea and therefore off limits?  
Personally, I wouldn’t mind if someone made a mash-up of one of my hit songs.  I would be flattered that they liked my work enough to add it to their creation.  It’s the same thing with taking the sound of a song and making it your own.  I think its a crime how The Rolling Stones can sue the Verve for their song “Bittersweet Symphony.”  It’s ridiculous how after they won the trial, they sold the lyrics to Nike.  IT WASN’T THEIR WORK TO SELL.  And if every song was copyrighted, there would be no genres of music. For example: I don’t know who the first rapper was; but if he copyrighted his music, I feel like every rap song after that would be breaking those copyright laws.  There would be no rap music today because it already sounds like the original. I think rather than fighting the music or art or anything, people should just appreciate the fact that they have more than one thing to listen to or to look at that is appealing to them.  

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