Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Days at Art School

I speak honestly when I say I have never been this tired.  I mean the other night I went to bed at four o’clock.  I feel bad for my roommate for having to put up with me.  Also, I can feel myself becoming highly addictive to coffee.  I know its bad for me, but I really need the caffeine to make it through the day.  And I haven’t even started with the actual projects yet.  It’s all just homework at this point.  So far, I think 2-D is the hardest class.  When I get an idea for one of the spreads I can usually get the image down within an hour or two but its just so hard to come up with a successful piece that fits in to a principle, theme and medium.  I do learn a lot in that class though.  I mean i didn't know what figure ground was before. I'm also excited to start this new project we got.  I mean if it was as much fun as spreading around maps while they were being photocopied then I will really enjoy the rest of the project. But for now I'm still just getting an idea for what I want to do.  Drawing is a good class.  We will be drawing our first model next week.  I am a newbie when it comes to models and I'm a little nervous, I'm not going to lie.  But in that class, I like how my pieces in that class I can see are progressively getting better.  3-D takes the cake though.  I love that class.  Seriously, the five hours go by so quickly.  I love when I can go to a class and just go to work.  I put in headphones and just go.  I am tuning in to my inner artist as well as exploring the untouched songs on my iPod.

All in all, as stressful and tiring it can be, I’m really glad I’m here.

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