Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Art Lecture

So I literally just got back from our lecture, where Candy Depew talked about her work with silkscreen and molds and bikes.  I found this to be exceptionally interesting.  I had always been interested in the same type of art and hearing about her life kind of inspired me.  That is very similar to what I want to be doing when I grow up. So much that I am tempted to email her and later on in my schooling, try to be an intern.  I’m not going to lie; the past lectures we had I would often doodle and concentrate more on my 2-D sketches, but I was just so involved in what she was saying; even when she got sidetracked and talked about bikes at the bottom on the canals in Amsterdam.  Another thing that got my attention was her variety in work.  She appeared as a graphic artist to me at first.  I mean she used solid colors and lines to make her images.  Then she got further along in her work and I realized how much variety she uses.  Such as Tony Hawks skateboard for example.  The design on that was so beautiful and romantic in my opinion.  Then she had molds.  Some complex and some simple, going back to that graphic look.  Then she showed us her fabric, and not just her silk screens but I was amazed with the dress she gave the ballerina who performed at one of her exhibits. The fabric was very bunched up together and had little form, but I thought it was beautiful.  And in general, she seems like an awesome person.  I mean she’s an artist who works with skaters and punk rockers.  I’m not too into either one of those things myself, but its still pretty cool.

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