Monday, November 15, 2010

Annie Han and Daniel Mihalyo

This week two artists visited us.  They started out as architects and expanded their talents into the field of art, which apparently is a big no, no.  But they had really interesting stuff.  I particularly enjoyed their photos of billboards.  It made a very pleasant series.  I just really enjoyed the vintage feel they had, with all the billboards being set up different ways, some were broken down and some had cute messages on them.  It is an interesting subject to take up.  I mean, who knew billboards, could inspire such great things.  And by great things I do not mean the photos, even though they are pretty cool.  But anyway, these two made that sculpture for the US border and I thought it was the craziest looking thing.  And by crazy I mean really beautiful.  It was an interesting concept to put the sky in a frame and capture something that seems so limitless.  Also, I really appreciated how well these two seemed to work together.  They went to school together and have been working with each other ever since.  They seem like a great duo who do make fantastic work.

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