Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I'm Back!!

So I've decided to keep up with this whole blog thing.  I enjoyed expressing ideas and everything and any chance to babble is something I'm willing to do.  This will sort of involve art, but I want to incorporate everything that my life is about.  For example, some things that occurred since my last routine project are that I had a month break, got really bored, turned 19, and went back to school where I was once again thrown into a whirlwind of artistic chaos.  Lets just say, my room looks like a bomb went off after being hit by a truck that was caught in a tornado.  In other words, its bad.  Another thing that recently happened was that I got an amazing internship with the wonderful store, Anthropology.  I am so excited for this opportunity; especially since I am only a freshman.  Although I hope they don't think I'm incapable of doing certain things because I haven't been in school as long as some of the other girls.  I mean I'm working with a bunch of seniors.  I may be young but I can handle anything.  The cold is getting to me a little bit but other than that, I am good to go!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


So turns out I did not drink enough coffee to really get a cool image. I do kind of like this though.  You can see the details in the filters which is a good thing in my opinion.  I also plan on adding to this piece.  That meaning I'm still collecting coffee filters and hopefully can do something really neat with them one day. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Inspiration from Routine

I never thought of routine as a source of inspiration.  I mean, if anything, I would think of routine as something boring.  That you have to use your imagination to make daily life more exciting.  However, I do understand how routine creates comfort and relieves stress in a way.  It's like if something falls out of place, it can cause stress; such as if your late for class or you didn't get to eat breakfast.  We try our best to get back into the groove of things.  It is a beautiful thing, routine.  I just never expected it to be something visually beautiful.  I guess the exception is if your daily routine is painting with water colors. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010


For 2D this week, we went to the Wagner Museum of science, I think it's called.  Not gonna lie, it creep-ed me out a little.  I mean, the stuff in there was definitely interesting, but I can't get over the fact that the taxidermy made even the otters and squirrels look evil and that i saw what I think to be the remains of a preserved human finger.  Anyway, we had to critique the format of the exhibit.  I thought it was just a little funny, some of the things that were put in the same categories.  I kind of think they did according to furry the critters were.  I mean one of the displays had weasels, raccoons, a sea lion and an American panther all in the same case. INTERESTING.

Book binding

I've binded my first book today.  No offense, but I don't know if our instructor knew what she was doing, but it was actually pretty fun to do.  I like being able to say from now on, "yes i know how to bind books, its easy." You know, because of all the people that will ask me if i can bind a book for them.  I also just thought of good Christmas presents though.  Between this and the molds I made in 3D, I don't know if i will have to buy anything for anyone.  I kind of wish that we could do more hands on activities during our lecture more often.  Note to self, if I'm ever worthy to speak at a Tyler lecture, give the people something to do while I talk.


So i have two options here...
I like both the night time scene or the daytime scene.
Can't make up my mind so I've decided to just post both of them.

As for the project.  I enjoyed it.  It took me a while to figure out what i wanted to make, but I actually think this is a nice representation of me and my friends from home if we had our own fantasy world. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

notes to self

  • for printing, everything needs to be saved as a tiff at the end 
  • all of your layers have to be flattened
  • has to be set up as an rgb file
  • resolution has to be 200 or more dpi
  • 19x13
  • ink next door with luster image is $6.50
  • for mat paper its $5.55
  • submit at least 2 images for show... print 4 images
  • they have rolls for bigger projects/prints but you need to set it up beforehand- they want the file
  • do not do this before class because there is not enough time
  • print illustrator files
    • safe as command d and save to desktop as flattened image
    • once saved go to file export and export it as a tiff
      • resolution high
      • color mode rgb
      • dpi 300 and save
    • give file to ppl in office
  • print photoshop files
    • save directly as tiff from photo shop
      • make sure its flattened in rgb and 300 dpi
  • flatten artwork in layers section